
Tips For A Balanced Thanksgiving

If you’re like me,  you’re shocked that the holidays are upon us. I realize that I say that nearly every season of every year, but I mean it every time! It’s amazing how fleeting the days and months really are. Especially when we live such busy lives.

I figured it might be helpful to send a little reminder to help you slow down and find a healthy balance as the holiday season kicks off (I know I sure need it). Chances are you’re taking a few days off to celebrate. I encourage you to take a moment to think about how we want this holiday to go before it fills up with chaos and disappears before you have a chance to slow down and enjoy it.

Here are a few tips to help you find a sense of balance this holiday...

–  Start each day with a gratitude list. It could be as easy as 5 things you’re thankful for that day…

–  Make your home a haven. Turn off the TV, play your favorite music, light candles…create a space for slowing down.

–  Save your energy for things that matter, don’t waste it on unnecessary meal prep/cleaning/you name it.

–  Unplug. Leave your phone upstairs, log off email and take a social media break. It will all still be there next Monday.

–  Volunteer. Give your time in a way that blesses others.

–  Take a nap. And ENJOY it!

–  Ask for help. You can’t do it all and you shouldn’t do it all. Gatherings are richer when everyone is involved.

–  Say “NO”…to things you don’t want to do, to extra work, to the extra piece of pie…and don’t feel bad about it.

Hopefully one or two of these will make their way into your home over the holiday weekend. Enjoy a few days off, enjoy the delicious food and enjoy a few days to slow down and celebrate all there is to be grateful for.

PS- I’ll be taking the rest of the week off to slow down (practicing what I preach) and spend time with my family. I also have a very exciting announcement coming soon so be sure to check the blog in the coming weeks for updates! 🙂


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