
30-Day Pilates Body Challenge: Day #5

Hi Beauties!

And welcome to Day #5 of The 30-Day Pilates Body Challenge.


Today you have 2 options:

1.If you’re NOT a member of the Sisterhood: go back and revisit your favorite routine from the past week. Here are a few quick links to make it easy for you:

Day 1: legs

Day 2: upper body

Day 3: booty

Day 4: HIIT with Whitney

2. If you ARE a member of The Sisterhood: I’ve got a GOOD routine lined up for you today! It’s a 30-minute “Waist-Whittling Workout” designed to strengthen your core and shape your waist. Log in to the membership site, click HERE, and complete your assigned workout for the day. 🙂

If you’d like to join The Sisterhood, click here. You’ll immediately receive access to full-length workouts, a healthy Recipe Bundle and much, much more. 

Daily Check-In: Let me know which workout you completed! Use the hashtag #30daypilatesbody on Instagram and Twitter so I can see your posts.

Enjoy your workout, I’ll see you back here tomorrow for a restorative stretching & relaxation session.



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17 thoughts on “30-Day Pilates Body Challenge: Day #5”

  1. I did the HIIT workout I missed yesterday and then chose the upper body as I think that needs the most strengthening. Then I had a large glass of water as I collapsed on the couch. lol

  2. Did my regular, hour-long bodyworks class this morning followed by an hour on the treadmill doing hills. We did a lot of squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks in class. Starting to feel it now in my bum. Laying low the rest of today.

  3. Saturday completed. Repeated days 1-4 and worked in my yard (raking, digging & piling). My whole body is feeling it so I’ll relax for the rest of the day !!! 🙂 I will save day 5 – HIT for Sunday… ?

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