
12 Days of Pilates: day 4 (abs)

12 days of pilates

How are you doing with your workouts so far?

It’s amazing how just 5-10 minutes of Pilates per day can impact the way you feel isn’t it?

Keep up the great work because we’re just getting started. 🙂

Today’s workout is from my original free challenge, 28 Days of Pilates.

I was about 7 months postpartum in these videos and I was definitely still recovering. It’s fun to look back on these videos and see how far I’ve come. The body is truly amazing.

Side note: if you’ve had a baby in the past year…go easy on yourself! Give yourself time. Stay consistent, the results will show if you listen to your body and honor its natural healing process.

(If you’re interested, you can read more about my journey here: How I Lost The Baby Weight (part 1) and How I Lost The Baby Weight (part 2).

Enjoy today’s workout!

Question of the day: what’s your favorite holiday tradition? I’m just starting traditions with my little family and would love to hear your ideas. 🙂


Signature-transPS – if you’re relatively new to Pilates be sure to check out my Pilates For Beginners series on YouTube. There you’ll find a bunch of short workouts that explain important Pilates basics and principles.

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19 thoughts on “12 Days of Pilates: day 4 (abs)”

  1. I love cutting down our own Christmas tree! Then my husband makes a little ornament out of part of the stump. This is only our second Christmas together but it’s definitely my favorite tradition.

  2. My favorite holiday tradition is reading The Polar Express to my children Christmas Eve, right before they go to bed. We all get in our pjs and cuddle under the tree with hot cocoa, and I read in my most dramatic voice. We still continue this tradition even though they are 24, 22, and 19. I am looking forward to next week and having my “babies” home again. 🙂 Life is good.

    Enjoy creating your own family magic~

  3. Done! 🙂 I like doing it twice so that the second time I have some ice of what is happening and can concentrate more hehe 🙂

  4. I was almost able to complete the entire ab workout. My 3 incision sites started feeling stresses so I cut down on the reps.
    My favorite tradition with my kids…decorating the house for Christmas. Each of my children has a tree they designed. We have 16 trees of all sizes. It is one of the few activities they could do together without arguing. Our second favorite is the Polar Express experience.

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